Sei Motoda

I was born in Himeji,  Japan in 1953. I joined Nippon Television(NTV) in Tokyo in 1978 and started working as a news reporter. First I covered domestic news such as politics. Then in 1989 the world history changed : The Berlin Wall collapsed, and Bush and Gorbachev met in Malta to declare the end of the Cold War. I went to Malta as a member of the news team and I was thrilled by the dramatic change of the history.

I asked my boss to send me to Europe and I was assigned the London bureau chief in 1994. At that time the Balkan peninsula was in turmoil. I visited Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo to cover the conflicts. I was surprised to see the hot wars broke out even in the twentieth century Europe. I made the Kosovo report in the summer of 1998 and not many Japanese knew anything about Kosovo until then.

The Kosovo report was my last report from Europe as I was called back to Tokyo in August.

I became the foreign news editor in 2001. I left NTV in 2014 and taught journalism at Hakuoh University in Tochigi, Japan until March 2024.